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Friday, October 16, 2009

Peoria #5 Among Mid-Sized Cities to Start a Business

CNN/Money ranked Peoria fifth among mid-sized cities that offer the best opportunity to launch a business. In a listing of U.S. cities of all sizes, Peoria was ranked 15th.

Not bad, if you ask me. Sure, it's been a challenging year as a business owner – especially since we're in the advertising biz which is one of the first things to get cut when budgets get tight. Of course, I strongly believe that companies need to maintain a strong marketing commitment in order to remain competitive. But that's not the point of this post.

Here are several reasons why I personally agree with the study:

• Peoria is comprised of people, families and businesses that give everything it takes to get the job done. We don't quit.

• We have a true business community. Not just individuals and companies that work side-by-side, but people that work cooperatively to help each other. Sure, there's a squabble here or there, but in general it's a community of support.

• Even when things are bleak, there's a generous spirit in Peoria. Just watch the annual St. Jude Telethon – you'd never be able to tell there was a recession. And that's just one example. Every weekend (and many week nights) you'll find people at charity events, donating their time, money and passion to help those in need. That demonstrates the character of people and businesses in Peoria.

• The cost of doing business in Peoria is reasonable.

• We don't have ridiculous commutes, causing us to waste precious time fighting traffic.

And that's just the first few reasons that came to mind. But beyond my own reasons for being an entrepreneur, you can click here to read the Journal Star article and find out what others have to say. You can read the original article here. Congratulations Peoria!

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