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Monday, June 21, 2010

Video Boosts Your Brand

Videos can be an important part of your online strategy and they can boost your brand's SEO. Here are a few tips on how YouTube can help you do this:
Family Watching Video
Step One. Create a YouTube Channel. Every video you post to your channel can be tagged and indexed, increasing the odds your brand name will appear in natural searches for keywords associated with your business.
Choose Your Topic. How can people use your product better? How have they used it already, and in unexpected ways? Sharpie's Uncapped Gallery comes to mind. Expand your expertise beyond your product, or go all-in with pure entertainment. (Think Blendtec's still-fab Will It Blend?)
Record a Video. List the 5-to-10 points you want to make before shooting. Keep the vid under 2 minutes. Add links at the end to where people can learn more about you.
Optimize for VSEO. After uploading your vid to YouTube, enter a title, description and tags. Use the title phrase twice—at the start and at the end—to maximize its SEO impact. The front of the description should link to your site, followed by a paragraph that incorporates your key phrase in a natural and well-crafted way. Finally, add supporting words to your tags that will make the video easier to find, and repeat your key phrase and common variants.
Build Viewership. Beyond links to Facebook and Twitter, post your content as a "video reply" to a related video, which gives YouTube context and creates a stream of viewers. Linkbacks to your video improve its relevance on searches. Once you hit 100+ views, Google typically starts showing it in search results for your key phrase.
The Po!nt: It's time to shine! Constructing a strategic approach to making a splash on YouTube could boost your brand's SEO overnight. Get creative and give it a go!

Source: Marketing Profs

Speaking of videos ... here's a little something we put together awhile back. Pleae click on video title instead of play arrow.

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