I often talk about the more obvious forms of advertising (TV, radio, billboards, direct mail), but there’s another one that we use on a regular basis – for both our clients and our own promotional efforts. And that’s advertising specialty items. Pens. Magnets. Chip clips. You know … give-aways that have your logo on ’em.
So that I don’t disclose our clients’ proprietary projects, I’ll share some of the things that have worked for DLA. First of all the items must say QUALITY. We’ve used the same coffee mugs for more than a decade. The only way I can describe them is as “man mugs” – they’re definitely not delicate tea party mugs that crumble in your hands. These mugs aren’t afraid to hold a solid cup of joe.
Second, the items must be NEEDED. Like everyone else we give away pens. But we again, we defer back to quality. We’ve had clients ask for more pens. We’ve also heard of people hoarding and hiding them. That tells us that we’ve chosen a quality product!
Third, the item should have a LINK to your business. This year we gave our clients branded coffee. While coffee itself isn’t tied into our business, anyone who knows us knows that we’re driven by caffeine. We also created a custom label that furthered that link to who we are.
Our Go To Guy
For several years, we’ve worked with Dan Turk of Lee Wayne. So I asked him what items are hot this year. “Thumb drives are huge right now and have really come down in cost. They are available from 256 mb all the way up to several gig. Another cool item is the Webkey. Just plug it into your computer and it automatically directs the user to your website.”
One of the great things about working with someone like Dan is that although he can share the latest trends, he and I have worked together long enough that we can come up with some powerhouse ideas for our clients. And since the average cost-per-impression of an advertising specialty item is $0.004, it’s certainly worth considering. Give me a call to see what ideas Dan and I can come up with for you!
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